Have you ever shared your faith with people you care about—only to have them push you away?
Years ago, I had a tiny taste of this with a friend…and it was hard.
If I’m honest, it was hurtful to see this friend push away from me. Every message that went unanswered stung a little.
But more than anything, it was heartbreaking to see my friend push away from Christ and all He could offer—the hope, forgiveness, peace and purpose.
I don’t know if you relate to this at all. But if you do, I believe Acts 13:50-52 might encourage you today.
As Paul and Barnabas traveled preaching the gospel, some religious elites in one region didn’t just push them away—they pushed them all the way out of town.
“…They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. So they shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” (NIV)
When I first read this passage, it surprised me that the disciples could have joy in a situation like this. But as I continued to study it, I realized there were two underlying realities that made their joy possible.
Truth #1: God isn’t done with the unbeliever’s story
And Truth # 2: God is with us as believers.
These realities can also bring us joy today if we find ourselves facing a similar rejection from the unbelievers in our lives:
- God isn’t done with the unbeliever’s story.
When Paul and Barnabas were expelled from the region, they “shook the dust off their feet.”
Now, this was more than just ‘shaking off’ the rejection and moving on. It was an act of obedience to Jesus (see Matthew 10:14-15) and it was a warning to the people.
This act proclaimed that when these people rejected the apostles, they were ultimately rejecting Christ—and that was a very serious offense that would one day end in judgment.
Of course, you may be wondering how that sobering message could possibly spark joy for the disciples or anyone else.
The message sparks joy because it is a warning. And warnings mean the story isn’t over yet.
Think about it: You don’t give someone a warning if there is no way for them to avoid the danger ahead. Warnings are invitations to change course toward safety.
So even though they had rejected the disciples, these religious elites still had a chance to change course, receive Jesus and be saved.
Perhaps in part, this is why the disciples could continue on—living for God with joy in their hearts—despite these people’s rejection. The story wasn’t over. God was still working in the region they had been pushed out of.
This is a truth that should bring us great joy today.
Though for now the unbelievers we love may reject us and Jesus, God isn’t done with their story.
He is still working in the lives we have been pushed out of.
- God is with us as believers.
Verse 52 says, “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
Even though we may face the sting of rejection, this verse reminds us: we never have to face rejection alone.
As Christians, we are indwelt by the very Spirit of God.
He tends to our hurts and soothes our fears with His unfailing presence. He revives our hope and trust by reminding us of the taste of God’s grace. He guides us as our Counselor and He strengthens us for every step He asks us to take.
The Spirit ensures we are never alone and we always have a reason for joy.
Yes, always. Even when our hearts are bruised from being pushed away, we can find joy in the Holy Spirit and in what is possible with our great God.
The question is: will we take these truths to heart?
May we find new depths of joy today as we remind ourselves that God is with us this very moment and that He isn’t done with our loved ones’ stories.
This devotion is based on one of the Scriptures from my reading plan: “Accessible Joy” To receive a copy of the reading plan (and future reading plans), sign up for the email list below. Hope you’ll follow along!
©2024 Paige K. Burhans
Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.