The devil is not that original. (Crafty, yes. Creative, no.)
While he may change the packaging, most of the temptations he lobs at us are similar in nature. So if we can learn to recognize his routine lies, it will be easier for us to reject them and resist temptation.
One such routine lie is found in Genesis 3:1-5, where we read about the original temptation. (Click or hover over the Scripture reference to read the passage)
Can you spot it? The routine lie?
God doesn’t want what’s best for you.
That’s the basic message behind his words to Eve and he whispers a similar message to us today.
When we struggle with obedience to God’s will and word or when we have to slog through suffering day after day, the thoughts come:
“If God really loved me, why would he let me go through this?”
“Why is God keeping ____ from me when it would make me so happy?”
Satan wants us to doubt God’s intentions toward us. Why? Because his ultimate goal is to spark rebellion within us—rebellion against God.
It’s not very far from the thought “God doesn’t want what’s best for me” to the action of sin (which by definition is rebellion against God and His ways).
So lets start paying attention to thoughts and suggestions like these, that tempt us away from trusting God’s goodness.
And when we spot the lie, lets not entertain it, but instead fight it with the truth of Scripture.
As Psalm 145:17 says, “The LORD is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds.” (NASB 1995)
Questions to ponder:
Where and when am I most tempted to doubt God’s intentions toward me?
What truths about God’s character can I keep front of mind to counter Satan’s lies?
Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation.