In this busy, stressed-out age, where can we find lasting peace?
It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves—and if you ask the internet, you might just start getting targeted ads for the world’s stress remedies.
But the peace we long for can’t be purchased with money. It can only be found through Jesus.
In John 14:27 He says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (ESV)
Jesus is the ultimate giver of peace. And His peace is altogether better than the peace the world tries to sell us.
It’s not an insurance policy or a savings account. And it goes far deeper than deep breathing.
The peace Jesus gives us is peace in the presence of God.
You see, if you read this verse in context (and you should always do that), Jesus has just promised to send the Holy Spirit to His people.
And the Holy Spirit is God Himself, who indwells every Christian the moment they accept Christ.
That means that if you are a Believer, the Holy Spirit—God Himself—lives inside of you! And this kind of closeness is only possible through Jesus.
That’s because our sins kept us out of the presence of holy God, but Jesus died to remove that barrier. And so now, not only can we enter His presence… we can’t escape His presence. Because He lives within us—permanently!
And this closeness with God brings peace—the peace of knowing that all is well between you and God, knowing that you don’t have to earn His approval because He already loves you and will never leave you.
This intimate relationship with God can fill your heart with a lasting peace…if you let it.
Did you notice that in our verse? In light of the peace that Jesus gives us, He said “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
Don’t let it.
We need to remind our hearts of the peace Jesus has won for us… because a heart that is constantly filling up on Jesus won’t have room for fear.
And that’s a kind of peace the world could never give us.
So let me ask you: What are you fearful or troubled about today?
For every minute that you worry, take two minutes to focus on Jesus—read your Bible, pray or worship.
As you do this, I pray that you will begin to experience the peace that is yours in Christ.