There are times in life when loss knocks us off our feet and our backs are bent with grief.
In these moments, we can find ourselves thinking, “This is too much.”
Grief has a way of revealing our neediness—our inability to hold ourselves together and hold ourselves up.
But Psalm 145:14-15 says:
The LORD sustains all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
We may not be able to hold ourselves together or hold ourselves up, but God can. And He will!
The One who sustains all of creation will sustain us in our grief.
If He is faithful to provide food for every living thing, we can trust Him to provide the comfort, strength and tangible support we need.
Realizing this is one of the unexpected gifts of grief.
When things are going well, we often go through life fending for ourselves. But grief calls us to fall in line with the rest of creation and look to God for our needs.
So let’s train our eyes onto our loving Sustainer.
And when “This is too much” wells up in our throats, let it turn to “Lord, help” on our tongues.
God will come through for us.
After all, He once said through the prophet Isaiah that, as our Creator, He would faithfully sustain us even into our old age. (read the passage here: Isaiah 46:4)
There is no sweeter support than having God’s hand hold us up.
Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation.