God had proven Himself faithful to the Israelites. He parted the red sea so they could escape from Egypt and as they wandered in the desert, He turned an ordinary rock into a water fountain so they wouldn’t go thirsty.
But it didn’t make much of an impression on His people—at least not a lasting one.
When He provided, they thanked Him. But as soon as another need arose, they were worried He couldn’t—or wouldn’t—provide.
“Then they spoke against God; they said, ‘Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Behold, He struck the rock so that waters gushed out, and streams were overflowing; can He give bread also? Will He provide meat for His people?’” (Psalm 78:19-20, NASB)
It’s easy to read passages like this and shake our heads at the Israelites lack of faith. But don’t we do the same thing?
On Sunday we praise God for His protection and provision. But on Monday, as we wait for test results, we wonder if God will show up this time.
But the Bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). If He provided yesterday, He’ll provide today, as well.
God’s past faithfulness should strengthen our present faith.
When new challenges arise, we should remind our anxious hearts of God’s track record and trust that He’ll show up yet again.
If He can turn a rock into a fountain, He can provide for our needs today.
Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation. www.lockman.org