Have you ever fallen down an internet-research rabbit hole? This frequently happens to me when I’m trying to make an “informed” decision. I start out googling a simple question. But one article leads to the next—and then that article contradicts the one before—so I keep digging for clarity, following hyperlink clues like a 21st century Nancy […]
Questions to Ask Before Defending Your Beliefs
Of all the lunches my freshman year of college, one stands out to this day. After attending religion class, my classmates and I went for a meal at the student union. Over our cheap sushi and soda, the conversation turned to the differing beliefs at the table, and before long there was tension in the […]
3 Resources You Need to do God’s will (and how the Holy Spirit provides them)
The other day, a yard crew arrived to mow a relative’s lawn only to realize their lawnmower wasn’t on the truck. The situation was easily remedied. But I was there when they realized the lawnmower was missing. And in that moment, they were frustrated. Why? Because they didn’t have what was needed to do the job […]
How Jesus Handled Big Emotions
Sometimes our emotions are big and loud and refuse to be ignored. Fear screams at us, worry taunts us, and frustration grinds away at any peace we might have otherwise had. It can be overwhelming. But when we face feelings that will not be quieted, we can know we’re not alone. Jesus experienced big emotions, […]
3 Lessons from the Life of Anna
This week as I read in the Gospel of Luke, I was captivated by the short, yet impactful, story of Anna. You can look up her story in Luke 2:36-38 (and I encourage you to do that because it’s a wonderful read!), but today I want to highlight 3 key lessons we can learn from […]
The air is getting crisp and leaves are beginning to change their colors. We just passed the 1st day of fall on the calendar. It’s the beginning of a new season. But have you ever noticed that stores start stocking new seasonal items far in advance? They begin advertising back-to-school and pumpkin spice while summer […]