The truths that transformed Jeremiah’s outlook weren’t the positive affirmations people try to use today.
Rather, the truths that brought him hope—and that can also bring us hope today—are these 2 truths about God…
Biblical Truth, Christian Living, God's character, love, Peace, transformation, trust
The truths that transformed Jeremiah’s outlook weren’t the positive affirmations people try to use today.
Rather, the truths that brought him hope—and that can also bring us hope today—are these 2 truths about God…
Biblical Truth, Christmas, Comfort, injustice, Jesus, stress, anxiety & fear
This morning, I turned on my Christmas tree and watched as a warm glow overtook the darkness in my living room. In that instant, my surroundings were transformed. Shadows and shapes that had looked menacing only a moment before were completely neutralized in the light. This reminded me of the words in Isaiah 9:2 & […]
Have you ever fallen down an internet-research rabbit hole? This frequently happens to me when I’m trying to make an “informed” decision. I start out googling a simple question. But one article leads to the next—and then that article contradicts the one before—so I keep digging for clarity, following hyperlink clues like a 21st century Nancy […]
The devil is not that original. (Crafty, yes. Creative, no.) While he may change the packaging, most of the temptations he lobs at us are similar in nature. So if we can learn to recognize his routine lies, it will be easier for us to reject them and resist temptation. One such routine lie is […]
apologetics, Biblical Truth, Christian Living, sharing the gospel
When I was little, I joined a local children’s choir. We learned a great variety of music—and on occasion, we sang patriotic songs together. One of my favorites was “God Bless America” by the great Irving Berlin. Around this same time, my family took a trip to England. But I was little and didn’t fully […]
Have you ever overheard someone talking about you? Maybe it was a mean girl on the play ground or a gossip in the break room—or maybe it was even a stranger on the internet. Whoever it was, those moments—and those words—can get lodged in your mind and torment you. The Psalmist apparently knew what this […]
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